Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mara Rian River

Mararian Opening Ceremony 2005 at Long Loreh, Melinau

The looks of Sigau Melan welcoming the Guest of Honour

Mara Rian is name of a river where the Kenyah Leppo' Ke once live in harmony and peacfully according to folks tales and stories from the elder. Now this river Called Alo Berini which located between Apau Ping and Long Kemuat in Kalimantan Timur, Borneo.

The folks tales great hero Sigau Belawan and Awing Bilung the most beautiful women on earth are from the mouth of Mara Rian River. Most of the great stories happened along Mara rian river.

The Kenyah Leppo' Ke community have a family event once every two years where all the families from Kalimantan and Sarawak come together. They name this event as MARARIAN. They have lots of activies for a week where you see all the elders sing, dance and the young will busy preparing foods and serve all guests.

The members will have meeting and sharing on how to take care our cultures, how to improve the future of our young generation and etc. I had attended the 2005 Mararian gathering in Long Loreh Melinau, Kalimantan Timur. It was great trip, I captured over four hunders photos and finish five films of video cassette. I make used every memory I had on my video cam and digital cam.

Planning to visit next year event and hope to collect more stories especially old folks songs which I am very much into for the moment.


Anonymous said...


Tips of Blog said...

Asik pemandangannya....

Anonymous said...

I'm Kiki.
I from Long Loreh and I wanna visit Kuala Lumpur at one day.
I have heard about Uncle Jalung Laway's trip at Kuala Lumpur last month.very intereting.
oya,if you have ample time just come to Kalimantan like you did two years ago.

Anonymous said...

hi Kiki,

Thanks for your message. Need your e-mail address. :)

Anonymous said...

my email addres
sorry i just speak english little.
i have trouble in my grammar.